ALWEFAQ Developments

ALWEFAQ Developments
Al-Wefaq Company is one of the Al-Sahrawi Group companies, it was founded in 1999 by Abdo Al-Sahrawi, the company started in the field of importing building materials and the moved to coincide with the boom in the Egyptian real estate market, 20 years ago, and after previous years of experience in the fields of contracting, trading and importing building materials, In early 20 years in the field of real estate development, the company has acquired a huge client base that is built on trust in places where residential and mixed-use real estate projects have been implemented since 1969,
Ver Capital

VER Capital TOWER Mall is in the most l t was d e s I g n e d a s a m u l li - u s e r a d a r - commercial - medical building to serve the government district where there is Various Administrative, Commercial, and medical units by Approval of engineering drawings for the projects from the capital company and its validity certificate obtained